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This is just a sampling of teacher resources for teaching inventors, inventions, and inventing in the classroom.  A more complete list can be found at our partner website,  



Ohio Invention Convention has a five-month curriculum and teacher training resources. This year, over 100 school districts in Ohio will be participating in this program, and it's free! 


Connecticut Invention Convention (which is not related to the Ohio program) has a 6-12 week curriculum and teacher training resources. 


Joint project by MIT and the Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation. Includes educator resources, historical inventors, an inventor handbook, and a guide to sketching one's inventions.

The Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation has a website with a plethora of resources, including educational materials, invention stories, book lists, and links to relevant websites.

TeacherVision has a terrific collection of invention-related materials for students.

"Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom" has met with rave reviews.  Betsy Corcoran, CEO & Founder of EdSurge, is quoted as saying "I love this book."  Larry Magid, Technology Consultant for the Huffington Post says, "The Maker Movement in Schools Now Has a Bible."

© 2020, Alexis Lewis

Images marked with a CC Zero logo are provided under the aforementioned license.

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